SUD Keys to Education.

Substance Use Disorders Keys to Education

Increasing access to science-based substance use content

The Substance Use Disorders Keys to Education Product (SUD Keys) was designed by the Mountain Plains (MP) and Pacific Southwest (PS) Addiction Technology Transfer Centers (ATTCs) for educators, clinical supervisors, and recovery support specialists with the goal of increasing access to science-based substance use content. Ensuring that academic courses and training events have current information on SUDs can be a daunting task, especially for faculty or trainers who do not have extensive SUDs expertise. The SUD Keys are designed to be added into existing courses and trainings and serve as a method of infusing new knowledge (typically evidence-based practices (EBPs)) and experiential learning activities into existing courses/trainings. Curriculum infusion has been utilized as one solution for finding ‘curricular room’ (Gassman et al., 2001) for substance use disorder (SUD) and mental health (MH) information as well as a way of highlighting SUD/MH information within a context of a discipline (Redding & Selleck, 1999). Advocates of curriculum infusion promote the idea that science-based knowledge will be used more in professional practice if it is ‘functionally relevant’ (Taylor & Rafferty, 2003) meaning, taught within a specific discipline or profession.

The SUD Keys feature slide decks and student/participant exercises in a variety of SUD topics. In keeping with the curriculum infusion style, the slide decks and/or videos are brief with the goal of the material being able to be taught in 5-10 minute segments, although some topics may take longer. The original PowerPoint slides are available for download and include presenter notes and references. Many of the segments include a video (MP4) recording of the presentation that can be used as an alternative delivery method. In addition, a reference list for each topical section is available for download.

Finally, the SUD Keys is a dynamic document that is designed to be flexible and responsive to emerging EBPs and promising practices, therefore new materials and topic sections will be added in the future. Please check this site to view new topics, slide decks, classroom exercises, videos, and test questions/case studies for educators, trainers, and clinical supervisors.


The Alcohol Section of the SUD Keys currently includes 8 slide decks and topics include: Alcohol Withdrawal; Alcohol Overdose; Alcohol Screening; Alcohol Metabolism; Disulfiram; Risky Drinking and Alcohol Use Disorders; Consequences of Alcohol Use; and Alcohol Treatment and Recovery. Alcohol Metabolism and Disulfiram slide decks have other options including a slide deck with audio and a video recording. The audio slide decks and videos can be played in class or training/in-service events or can be downloaded and listened to by students/participants prior to class or the event. Each slide deck includes presenter notes and references.


The Stimulant Section of the SUD Keys includes 17 slide decks on a variety of topics related to stimulant use (impact on the brain, withdrawal symptoms, overdose, etc.). In addition to the slide decks, each topic includes a video (MP4) recording of the presentation. Presentations can be done live using the slide deck, presenter notes, and references. Alternately, the videos can be played in class or training/in-service events or can be downloaded and listened to by students/participants prior to class or the event.

General Content

The General Topics Section currently includes 6 slide decks: one on Harm Reduction; one on Stigma; and four on Recovery Support.

Each slide deck includes presenter notes and references. The Stigma slide deck includes a classroom exercise and a case study, as well as a guideline for how to use with different amounts of time allocation.

SUD Keys is a partnership between

If you require further information, please do not hesitate to contact the MPATTC ( or PSATTC ( Individuals are free to use these slides and pictures, but please give credit to the MPATTC and PSATTC when using them by referencing both Centers at the beginning of your presentation. The MPATTC (HHS Region 8) and PSATTC (HHS Region 9) are part of the SAMHSA-funded ATTC Network that offers training and technical assistance (TA) services. HHS Region 8 is comprised of Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming, and HHS Region 9 is comprised of Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, and the six U.S.-affiliated Pacific Jurisdictions (American Samoa, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Guam, Republic of the Marshall Islands, and Republic of Palau).

Funding for this product was made possible (in part) by SAMHSA Cooperative Agreement numbers UR1 TI080200 (MPATTC) and UR1 TI080211 (PSATTC). The views expressed in these materials do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the Department of Health and Human Services, nor does mention of trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.


Gassman, R. A., Demone Jr, H. W., & Albilal, R. (2001). Alcohol and other drug content in core courses: Encouraging substance abuse assessment. Journal of Social Work Education37(1), 137-145.

Redding, B. A., & Selleck, C. S. (1999). Perinatal substance abuse education: A review of existing curricula. Substance Abuse20(1), 17-31.

Taylor, I., & Rafferty, J. (2003). Integrating research and teaching in social work: building a strong partnership1. Social Work Education22(6), 589-602.

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration (SAMHSA) logo.